Lagoon 4 - 4 Smew still (1 drake)
Lagoon 3 - 1 Scaup (female) still and 1 Smew (drake) still
Lagoon 1 - 1 Stonechat still
Crake Hide -
1 Jack Snipe still
Manton Bay -
1 Mediterranean Gull (2nd winter)
South Arm - 2 Great Northern Divers still, 4 Smew (1 drake), 1 Red-necked Grebe still, 3 Scaup (2 drakes) still also 2 Ruff on the Island still
South Arm 2 - 1 American Wigeon (drake) still, 63 Red-crested Pochards and 1 Scaup (female)
North Arm - 2 Slavonian Grebes still, 2 Black-necked Grebes still, 1 Marsh Harrier and 1 Pink-footed Goose
Dam - 1 Shag still