Lagoon 7 - 1 Ringed Plover still and 2 Dunlin
Lagoon 4 - 2 Ringed Plovers still, 3 Dunlin and 3 Smew (1 drake)
Lagoon 3 - 1 Smew (drake) also 1 Bittern still this eveningLagoon 4 - 2 Ringed Plovers still, 3 Dunlin and 3 Smew (1 drake)
Lagoon 1 - 1 Great White Egret still
North Arm - 2 Black-necked Grebes still off Barnsdale Wood
Hambelton Peninsular - 1 Pink-footed Goose still
Also of interest up to 4,000 Starlings currently murmurating over Barnsdale Wood